kali yuga

the wheel of life goes round and round
no end to creating and destroying
the only thing that is permanent is impermanence
what is the kali yuga – how do you survive
I could say a lot on this subject, I could in fact write a book on it. But I find that short and to the point works best. So, read on.
what is the kali yuga
It is accepted by both the Buddhist and Sanatana dharma (Hindu) traditions, that the universe of samsara that we are presently living in, is subject to four periods of time, each with its own characteristics. These periods are named Satya, Treda, Dwarpar and Kali, each one lasting many thousands of years. But as it is the age of Kali that we are now in, this is the only one that really concerns us. If you want to know more about the others, there are plenty of articles and videos on the internet that you can look at.
The Kali yuga that we are now in, is the age of darkness and destruction, and the whole universe and all that exists within it will slowly be detroyed, thus making way for a new start. Natural destructive changes such as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, wild fires, droughts etc will continue on this planet, and will get worse, as the rest of the universe is also breaking up. On top of that, many members of the human race are becoming more deluded and lost, giving way to more wars and violent acts, selfish behaviour, killing fellow humans, killing animals and eating them, or just for sport, greedily accumulating as much money and as many possessions as they can. Although the destruction of the planet, due to the Kali yuga is inevitable and can’t be stopped, its demise is being hastened by the behaviour and greedy (i want) lifestyles of many members of the human race. The increase and speeding up of problems caused by global warming, and such pandemics as covid, are all down to the human races ignorant and blinkered miss management of life and the planet. If you still have any doubts, just turn on your television and watch the world news!
like it or not, this is the reality of the kali yuga, this is happening now
how do you survive
Although all the above paints a pretty gloomy picture, ALL IS NOT LOST. No one can ultimately save the universe or the planet, or any of the life that lives on it. You can only survive yourself by your own efforts. But this is not a selfish act, Once you have evolved yourself, you will be in a position to show others (who want to listen) how to do the same.
From my own experience, the only way to escape the gloomy future of this kali yuga that we know as samsara, is through a life dedicated to spiritual pracice. But it is no good just joining a religion and thinking that will be enough, or going along to some centre that offers mindfulness classes followed by a nice chat over a cup of coffee. None of this is going to help you evolve beyond the human condition, which is what is ultimately necessary, you may as well just join a golf club, or take up keep fit classes.
But please be aware that time is running out, and for some, it has run out! Do not procrastinate, look now for a competent spiritual teacher, and get on the path to enlightenment/moksha. Only then as a realised being, will you be able to help others.
The buddha himself warned that his teachings would disappear due to wrong teaching and misunderstanding. A warning also given by many of the enlightened teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. From my own experience over the years, this is happening now. True Dharma treaching is still available, but it is in short supply, so look now, and be quick.
Another warning about mankind’s future came from Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, when he stated
“I am time, and as time I will destroy all things”