animal poems

do cats just sit there doing nothing
or is everthing nothingness
which sometimes manifests itself
in the form of a cat
when i started to write these poems, the human realm that i am living in, and the animal realm, were two different places.
now they are one
those in the animal realm are the greatest of dharma teachers
read on
two wonderful gifts
that stare us in the face every day
unnoticed by my cats
their only interest being breakfast and supper
While people gaze admiringly at the exotic birds
I gaze at the sparrow
there is nothing dull about you my friend
what a beautiful song you sing
The blackbird watches the cat
the cat watches the blackbird
a great samurai standoff
who will make the first move
An early may morning
light just breaking
a chill in the air
the birds outside are chirping
I hear their message to me
don’t worry
the sun is coming
the sun is coming
I am not sure who values my monks robes more
me or the moths
Hello mr pigeon
starring at me through the kitchen window
I like to think you come looking for friendship
but in my heart
I know that food is all that is on your mind
There is a snail in the garden
that acts like he owns the place
The crow on the roof
has been chattering away for 20 minutes
but I still haven’t the foggiest idea what he is on about
Dawn breaks
stepping into the garden I bow and say good morning to a snail
in his own way he returns the complement
a thrush looks on in disgust
I see that the house martins are back again
busy building their nests
I have lived here for 17 years
but I am sure they don’t remember me
Seagulls circling above my head
looking very busy
but they have no plans
luckily the butterfly on the orange blossom
does not know how beautiful he is
as he would be impossible to live with
The poor fox
no enemies until mankind turned up
now his beautiful red coat is just a target
They shout out
save the whale
save the dolphin
they cry out kill and eat the tuna
kill and eat the salmon
I don’t understand
The dragonfly
using the floating leaf as a raft
how clever
Geese flying overhead
what a joy
I hear their voices
When I was young
I used to hear the cuckoo in the mornings
now I never hear him
has he gone away or have I
All the insects in the world
when I am still
I can hear them crying
Travelling on the early morning train
we pass by the river
glancing out of the window I spot a lone heron
standing serenely in the mist
I know that my youth will never return
but still I live in hope
that I will again hear the sound of the cuckoo
As the cat sits on my lap
a flee jumps on to my arm
that’s ok my friend
you can live on me
A shadow darts here
a shadow darts there
be quick or you’ll miss it
a hungry bat at dusk
When you see a fly
please do not kill it
look close
it is beautiful
Careful how you tread on those fallen leaves
as little lives may dwell below
Birds just fly
fish just swim
insects just crawl
it all seems so easy
I used to think that I owned three cats
but I am beginning to think that they own me
I step outside to hear the dawn chorus
but the mornings are now darker
and all is silent
just a lone hedgehog
drinking water from the saucer
On these dark mornings
the birds stay asleep
it’s easier to dream of breakfast
than to search for it
Perched on the overhanging branch
the kingfisher looks half asleep
don’t be fooled mr fishy
Each time the orca kills
he knows that he needs to for survival
but each time he does
he sheds a tear
for the fate of his fellow creatures
An old pond
not a frog in sight
no sound
As much as I love to hear the sound of the distant pheasent
my advice to him is
keep your head down and don’t make a sound
A flock of starlings in the garden
I thought they were making quite a racket
until I listened closer
and realised that they were chanting the heart sutra
Ah the early morning coal tit
what a pleasent mantra he chirps
in between mouthfuls of seed
The pigeons of boudhnath
gobbling up the offerings of food
no interest in the dharma here
I hear that some of those in the animal realm
are close to extinction
how wonderful that they may soon be free
of this world of suffering
The hedgehogs are back after their long sleep
spilling the water from their saucers all over the patio
they still don’t seem to have grasped
the concept of table manners
The dawn chorus
catch us if you can the birds mockingly sing
to the half awake felines
A warm summer evening
strolling in Ensenada
the sound of cicadas
Robes hanging out to dry
now decorated with pigeon poo
that’s ok
Is that a cuckoo I hear
sadly just a distant memory
hey mr lobster
don’t be fooled by the fishermans smile
it’s the smile of death
I require a smart tie
demands the office worker
thus the silkworm is boiled to death
his silken clothes removed
how cruel the human race
To the top of the kitchen window
a snail has climbed
I’m sure he could climb mount everest
if he put his mind to it
3.30am a cold dark morning
I step outside to bow to the moon
an owl offers a twit
I offer back a twoo
The stray dogs of darjeeling
barking all night
keeping folk awake
they sleep all day
undisturbed by my yawns
A moth enters my room
basking in the scent of the incense
help yourself my friend
There is no charge
As the weather gets warmer
I see the bees are back
still buzzing around
still trapped in the life/death cycle
As the sun rises
the dove commences his un hurried day
as the sun sets
he retires quietly to his place of rest
surely there is a lesson here for all of us
In the spring mornings
the birds chirp louder than ever
awake awake they say
awake to reality
everything changes
nothing stays the same
No need for the caterpillar to rush
he has no mortgage to pay
What seems like a gentle fall of snowflakes to us
is a veritable avalanche to the tiny ladybird
The art of being a blackbird
friendly but wary
very wise
Today I spotted a wren
he seemed so small
yet for a brief moment
he was big enough
to fill my entire mind
The flock of starlings zoom in on the food
consuming everything greedily like vultures
the lone blackbird just looks on
if there is any food left, he will eat
if not, at least he still has his dignity
After drinking his fill of water
the hedgehog knocks over the saucer and leaves
thus answering another koan
such wisdom
I see a large black bird high up in a tree
I am not sure if he is a crow or a rook
it’s no good asking him
he lives in a world free of names and labels
he doesn’t even know that he is in a tree
Sitting in the sun
reading a book of Chinese poems
a blackbird lands nearby
I smile and say good morning
he did a poo and flew off
As I watch a robin rip a worm apart
and greedily devour it
I wonder if this is the same cute fellow
I see illustrated on many christmas cards
At 5am this morning
there was a snail by the kitchen door
by 2pm he had moved about nine inches
what’s the rush?
Row upon row of pigsties
it reminds me of auschwitz
only death awaits the residents
The pond so muddy and murky
even the moon will not reflect in it
but the frogs love it
croaking away happily
A flock of geese fly overhed
the sound of their cries and their wings on the wind
touch my heart
I wish I could go with them
The starlings have brought their young to the bird table this morning
the first lesson appears to be
just push in and grab all you can
standing beside the still pond
on a fine misty morning
I spot a majestic pike
even though still asleep
he looks menacing
The kestral hovers above
the shrew trembles below
nature is full of such horrors
The rain is very heavy this morning
but the dawn chorus still sounds
the birds seem to find joy
whatever the weather
Why don’t the older fish who have survived
warn the younger fish
that humans are out to get them
quick swim as fast as you can
The little white cat from two housed away
keeps coming to me for treets
sitting in front of me with that cute face
he knows I can’t resist
Those poor birds that spend their lives in cages
how they must yearn to feel the breeze in their wings
The butterfly flits energetically from flower to flower
would he be so enthusiastic
if he knew that he had no more than a month to live
Watching the sparrow fly away
the snail hopes he will have wings
in his next life
Now the winter is here
the house spiders are looking for love
their babies will soon arrive
yet more uninvited housguests
Moon reflected on the surface of the pond
carp resting just below
for a few moments they both become one
They eat all the food you leave for them
then poop all over the patio
the wonderful world of the hedgehog
Mice have no possessions
yet they know nothing of poverty
what a happy life they must have
The hawk eyed hungry owl
pounces on the unsuspecting mouse
so much for the happy life of poverty
I stepped outside just after 4am
hearing the call of an owl
I realise that I am still alive
thank you for that my tawny friend
just one lone blackbird here now on this winters morning
the rest having headed south for warmth
why has this one remained behind
maybe he wants me to teach him the dharma
I feed the lone blackbird this morning
scattering some food on the patio
as I do I recite the heart sutra
he seems to appreciate it
A dead mouse on the lawn
what a tragedy
not so thinks mr crow
as he swoops down and grabs his lunch
glancing down at the dead mouse in front of him
what to do thinks mr crow
eat a delicious lunch
or contemplate impermanence
I used to hear the crow of a cockerel in the morning
but sadly not any more
the gustatory desires of its owners
must have got the better of them
The blackbird is sitting
his back turned to me
under the imression
that this makes him invisible
The hedgehog now back from his hibernation
looking down at him I think
ah the hedgehog is back
ah the hedgehog is back
looking up at me
I can hear him thinking
oh he’s still here
oh he’s still here
Another snail slowly crossing the patio
heading west
looking for a better life no doubt
little does he know
A gang of starlings swoop in
bullying the innocent sparrows
greedily gobbling up all the food
no place for good or bad karma here
just the reality of samsara
This morning I watched a skein of geese
flying in formation towards the west
such freedom
how I wished I was one of them
All the food has been gobbled up
one rather overweight and disgruntled pigeon looks on
Sparrows talk sparrow
Crows talk crow
Doves talk dove
Only humans talk rubbish
The cockerel’s dawn wake up call was so loud
that snow fell from nearby branches
A line of waxwings sunbathing on a branch
a deep blue sky
not a sound to be heard
was there ever a more peaceful scene
The blackbirds have not brought their young to feed this year
oh dear, have the predators been at work
yama, god of death, you are so terrifying in your beauty
Autumn is here again
dark damp mornings are back
the dawn chorus has fallen silent
just the haunting hoot of a lone owl
This morning I hear the cry of a lone goose
I look up to see he is flying west
my heart tells me I should follow
The mole looks up at the seagull and thinks
how wonderful it must be to fly up in the sky
free from everything
The seagull looks down on the mole and thinks
how wonderful it must be to bury yourself underground
away from everything.
The grass is always greener
or so they think
Two crows high up in a tree this morning
chattering away to each other
maybe they are saying
how beautiful it is to watch the sun come up
or mabe they are saying
just look at that monk down there
thinks he knows what we are saying
what a fool
Every cat in the neighbourhood seems to come to me for food
but that’s ok
the more full their bellies,
the less chance of them killing birds and mice
so, come on my feline friends
grub up
This morning I heard the call of a pheasant
not long after, I heard the sound of a shotgun
I listened for some time, but did not hear the pheasant again
I do love all the birds and animals of this planet
but at the same time I pray that when they pass away
they never return to this world
occupied by a vast number of psychopaths
who without any feeling or remorse
will kill and eat them and their children
The crow of a cockerel
followed by the hooting of a car horn
there is no connection
no mystical meaning
it’s just the way things are
Sitting by the open window
reading Tagore
I hear the call of a pheasant
what a lovely touch
Two goose eggs rejected by their mother
lay deserted with shells cracked
a compassionate human steps in
repairing the shells keeping them warm
now two goslings are running free in the grass
accepting the human as their mother
I have noticed
around full moon nights
my cat goes out a lot more
I guess it’s easier to catch mice
when the lights are turned on
A cabbage white butterfly
flitting around in front of me
I say goodmorning
but he is either deaf or very rude
as he totally igores me
I notice a spiders web on the kitchen window
waiting for it’s next prey
should I destroy the web
or just sit back
and observe the aspect of life we call death
Sitting on my meditation cushion
I hear the sound of a cockerel
such a simple thing
but it fills my heart with joy
The sound of the peacocks cry
similar to that of a young child
but without the “I want”
Do squirrels steal candles
yes they do
I have evidence
I have seen the footprints
what is the world coming to
It’s October
mating season for spiders
one has been sitting in the same place for 3 hours
obviously playing hard to get
Doves mate for life
unaware of the law of impermanence
until one morning
one wakes up, to find themselves alone
How do snails make a living
they always look well fed
and they all seem to own their ow homes
its a mystery
The cry of the peacock
so haunting
yet it warms the heart
A lone cormorant
he looks so proud
do birds have an ego
I do hope not
Do wild animals get cancer
I am not sure
but if they do
they never complain
Two mice appear to have moved into the garage
yet no sign of any rent
just who do they think they are?
I can see a gull very high up in the sky
so high he is just visible
but I can hear his cry
the cry they make when they are hungry
what the hell does he think he will find to eat up there?
Two ambitious moths
racing towards a candle flame
their only concern being who will win
unaware that the prize is death
A red admiral butterfly
basking in the afternoon sun
I hope he is using factor 50!